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Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, stemming from repetitive actions such as tennis strokes or typing, causes inflammation in the outer forearm tendons. Learn more about the causes, symptoms, and how to treat tennis elbow.

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What Is Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow is an overuse injury that causes inflammation or degeneration of the tendons on the outside of the forearm. These tendons allow you to extend and lift your hand.

What causes tennis elbow?

Repeat arm motions cause tennis elbow, such as:

  • Hitting a backhand in tennis.
  • Raking leaves.
  • Constant typing on the computer.

These repeated motions cause tiny tears in the elbow tendon.

How do you prevent tennis elbow?

For tennis elbow prevention, be sure to:

  • Use proper technique when playing tennis, baseball, or other sports.
  • Stretch your forearm before tennis matches or baseball games.
  • Perform routine strength exercises.

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What Are the Symptoms of Tennis Elbow?

Symptoms of tennis elbow include:

  • A burning pain on the outside of the elbow that can spread down your arm to your wrist. The pain often starts off mild and then worsens over time.
  • Tenderness to the touch.
  • Pain when extending your wrist or when holding objects, like coffee mugs.

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How Do You Diagnose Tennis Elbow?

To diagnose tennis elbow, your doctor will do a physical exam — looking at your elbow and the source of pain.

He or she will ask about your activities and past injuries.

In most cases, you won't need imaging tests unless your symptoms don't improve with tennis elbow treatment.

Then, your doctor may need to do an x-ray or MRI to rule out any bone problem or tissue damage.

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How Do You Treat Tennis Elbow?

The goal of how to treat tennis elbow is to reduce inflammation and pain.

Nonsurgical Tennis Elbow Treatments

The first steps of tennis elbow treatment include:

  • Resting your elbow and applying ice. Put an ice pack on your elbow every 10 to 15 minutes a few times a day.
  • Taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain relief.
  • Doing some stretching exercises.

Your doctor may also suggest other nonsurgical tennis elbow treatments such as:

  • Cortisone shots to help relieve elbow pain and inflammation.
  • Platelet rich plasma (PRP) shots.
  • Counterforce strap.
  • Physical therapy.
  • A brace around your forearm, for more severe tennis elbow pain.

Tennis Elbow Surgery and Rehab

In cases where nonsurgical treatments fail to heal tennis elbow, your doctor may want to perform surgery.

Once the pain subsides, you can do some rehab exercises to strengthen the following arm muscles around the elbow:

  • Wrist extensors and flexors
  • Biceps
  • Triceps

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