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Breast and Gynecologic Pathology

UPMC Content 3

The female reproductive system is complex and subject to a wide variety of diseases, infections, and conditions.

  • A suspicion of breast cancer often begins with the discovery of a lump by self-examination, by your doctor, or by mammography.
  • Gynecologic cancers or infections cause symptoms that require a variety of sophisticated tests to diagnose.

The Role of the Pathologist

Whether your doctor has ordered a needle biopsy of the breast, the endometrium (the lining of the uterus), or a biopsy of another part of the reproductive system, the sample will arrive in our pathology laboratory.

Specialized pathologists will examine your sample under the microscope and conduct sensitive tests to diagnose the presence, type, and stage of disease. These findings will help your doctor begin planning your treatment.

Learn more about breast and gynecologic pathology from the Department of Pathology.

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