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Skull Base Tumors and Head and Neck Surgery

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Center for Skull Base Surgery

Doctors at the Center for Skull Base Surgery of the UPMC Department of Otolaryngology and UPMC neurosurgeons have developed a powerful surgical technique — once thought impossible — that allows them to perform lifesaving operations on pituitary and skull base tumors.

Learn more about the Center for Skull Base Surgery.

Center for Robotic Head and Neck Surgery

At the UPMC Center for Robotic Head and Neck Surgery, surgeons are able to treat complex head and neck disorders using minimally invasive robotic surgery. This can significantly reduce postoperative pain, allow for a shorter hospital stay, and enable a quicker return to normal daily activities.

Learn about robotic head and neck surgery at UPMC.

Head and Neck Cancer Division

The primary obligation of UPMC's Head and Neck Cancer Division is to provide outstanding patient care and services. In the past year, we have diagnosed and treated approximately 800 people with cancerous and noncancerous head and neck tumors.

Learn more about the Head and Neck Cancer Division.

Salivary Gland Stone and Infection Center

The team of experts at the UPMC Salivary Gland Stone and Infection Center diagnose and treat people who have conditions affecting the salivary glands. We also work to advance the practice of minimally invasive surgical techniques to remove stones through the salivary ducts.

Learn about treatments at UPMC's Salivary Gland Stone and Infection Center.